24 July 2009

A beautiful woman , Gabriel García Márquez

A beautiful woman -
Gabriel García Márquez

An exquisite woman is not one that has more men at her feet,
 but one that has only one that really makes her happy.
A beautiful woman is not the youngest or the thinnest 

nor the one that has the smoothest skin or the most striking hair,
 it is the one that with just a frank, open smile and a good advice can make your life happy.
A valuable woman is not the one that has more titles,

 nor the more academic, it is the one who sacrifices her sleep temporarily to make others happy.
An exquisite woman is not the hottest (although if you ask me, to me, all women are very sexy ... The ones out of focus are the men) 

but the one that vibrates while making love only with the man she loves.
An interesting woman is not the one that is flattered to be admired for her beauty and elegance,

 it's the one with a strong character who can say NO
And a man ... An EXQUISITE MAN is the one who appreciates a woman like that ...
Who is proud of having her as a partner .... Who knows how to touch her, like a highly skilled musician plays his beloved instrument ... who fights along her side sharing all her roles, from washing dishes to giving back to her massages and care that she has giving him before...The truth, fellow men, is that women in that of being 'very brave' are ahead of us ... How fools have we been, and still are when we appreciate the gift only for the beauty of its package ... and a fool , a thousand times fool the man who eats shit in the street, having an exquisite meal at home '

Gabriel García Márquez

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